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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index][Lingo] [NL] Word order
- Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 18:58:48 +0200
- From: Godwin Stewart <>
- Subject: [Lingo] [NL] Word order
Hi, In a subordinate clause, verbs are supposed to be grouped at the end, with any modals coming before the infinitives, right? If you look at the 4th paragraph of this document that was translated by a Dutch native, there's an example of such a clause where the verb is in the middle: "Waarop moet ik een duur product gaan kopen wat ik alleen maar zou gebruiken voor dit ene doel, als er andere methodes zijn om informatie te versturen?" Firstly, shouldn't it be "een dure product"? The subordinate clause in question is "wat ik alleen maar zou gebruiken voor dit ene doel". Shouldn't it be "wat ik alleen maar voor dit ene doel zou gebruiken"? -- G. Stewart - If carrots are so good for the eyes, how come I see so many dead rabbits on the highway?Attachment: pgpEG3l48CTgA.pgp
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- From: David Stibbe gmail
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