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tlug: vine

>>>>> "Eric" == Eric S Standlee <> writes:

    Eric> Can someone compare debian's JP version and vine?

Debian doesn't really have a JP version anymore; most JP stuff is
getting integrated into the main distributions now.  That seems to be
the goal.  However, that has to fit into the Debian
internationalization framework, and will take time.  In the long run,
I would bet that Debian is better internationalized; Japanese
distributions have historically been inward looking.  However, in the
short term, Vine will be better integrated (every so often I find that
ill-chosen version-numbering by the Debian JP people forces me to say
uninstall and reinstall all of X in order to get an i18n
reimplementation of features originally developed for Japanese) from
the point of view of Japanese usage.

One potentially large advantage to Debian, if the Japanese maintainers
follow policy, is that Debian separates man pages and other
documentation by locale, and strongly encourages provision of POSIX
locale (ie English) docs in addition to native locale for docs
developed by non-English speakers.  All you need to do is do
"LANG=C <doc command>" to get the English language pages, in most

I don't say Vine doesn't do that, but it's worth checking whether they
do since you say you don't want your docs in Japanese.

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