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tlug: thinking programs

Anyone know of a depository of thinking programs?  I would like to see how
they are written.  I would like to see if I can dabble in them using


*** The changing face of robots

BELLEVUE, Wash. (AP) - The hottest toy from last Christmas is Exhibit
A at a high-tech robot conference this week. The Furby - a fuzzy
robot that talks, learns, and interacts with people and other Furbies
that was the rage this past holiday season - is just the beginning of
"autonomous agent" technology. At the third annual Conference on
Autonomous Agents, researchers presented dozens of computer programs
and systems that can think, learn, and act independently of their
human creators. The Furby is a simple toy, but researchers say the
eventual applications of the technology will be far-reaching. See

Eric S. Standlee
Kashihara City, Nara Prefecture, Japan / Houston, Texas, USA (free except pop) <default> (everything free including fowarding and pop)

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