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tlug: X-Auth warning

>>>>> "Viktor" == Viktor Pavlenko <> writes:

    Viktor> While sending email from emacs (VM), or exmh, the

    Viktor> X-Authentication-Warning: \
                              vik set sender to using -f

You presumably have your MUAs set to specify the From address, rather
than letting sendmail figure it out from your uid.  They're the ones
that call sendmail, with the -f parameter.  Only root (and other uids
blessed in the sendmail configuration, IIRC) are allowed to do this
without the warning.

    Viktor> How to fix that? Is it an X authorization issue, or
    Viktor> Sendmail? (I have little knowledge in either of them)

It's definitely not X; `X-' simply means that this message header has
not been blessed in an RFC.  The header doesn't really mean much; it
is too easy to spoof the Sender and From addresses.  I would just
ignore it; I see these all the time, but the only time it means
anything is for spam messages, and it doesn't show up on all of those.

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