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tlug: Abnormal Binary Sizes

>>>>> "Austin" == Austin Kurahone <> writes:

    Austin> I just noticed that a lot of my binaries are taking up a
    Austin> large amount of space.  Eg:ls is around 60K!!!  Did I do

What's the beef?  Mine is 47k.  ls (and many of those utilities) have
complex user interfaces.  Cf rm and rmdir; rm is 3X as big as rmdir;
guess which one supports more options.  Just because Unix is based on
the philosophy of KISS doesn't mean that GNU maintainers feel bound to
follow suit in all areas (which in fact I agree with; it would be
really bad if the only interface to ls was `ls -l' and you had to do a
`cut' to get the info you want ;-)  The important thing is plain text, 
consistently formatted output that can be handled in pipes without
huge amounts of special-casing.

You _may_ have compiled `ls' static; I have no feel for how much that
would add to the size.  I would guess a lot more than the 13k
difference between yours and mine, but I really don't know.

    Austin> something stupid at compile time?  After I compiled and
    Austin> installed all of these I ran a "strip *" in my /bin,
    Austin> /usr/bin, /usr/sbin, /sbin.  Is this less efficient
    Austin> somehow?  If so how can I fix it?  Preferably without
    Austin> having to recompile stuff.

There are some size optimizations available in gcc, but I doubt they
do that much for you.

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