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tlug: Mikio's Garage Sale

Hey everyone,

Sad, but true... I will be leaving Tokyo at the end of this month to
work in Taipei...  This Saturday's meeting will be the last time I will
be able to see y'all for a while, but I'll keep myself on the mailing
list (probably under a different e-mail account)...

But before I go... I have a bunch of "junk" in my apartment that I would
to give away, or trade for something... basically, it is just that...
"junk", but someone might have some useful purposes for them... 

I am thinking that I can either give them to individual members, have
them raffled off for the next meeting, etc.

Off the top off my head, what I can think of that is stuck in my room
(in no particular order of importance) are:

IDE-I/O combo cards,
various kinds of wires (mainly audio/video, but some other cables as
Syquest 44MB cartridge drive w/3 carts
sound cards
VLB based cards

well... in any case... most of it's pretty old stuff that I couldn't get
myself to part with in previous years for one reason or another, but now
I just have to get it off my hands and I would think that people in TLUG
would probably appreciate it more than other friends I could give it

Anyways... sorry about the non-technical post, just wanted to see if
there are any takers out there...


Michael Chiu
Kanematsu Semiconductor Corporation
ICQ: 5850128
Next Technical Meeting: February 13 (Sat), 12:30 place: Temple Univ.
** presentation: XEmacs, by Steven Baur and Martin Buchholz
Next Nomikai: March 19 (Fri), 19:30   Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
more info:                     Sponsor: PHT

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