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Re: tlug: Japanese DOS support under Linux - from the message board

On Tue, 9 Feb 1999, Jim Schweizer wrote:

> Posted by Jack Halpern on February 05, 1999 at 12:00:54:
> I am TIRED of Windows and seriously want to switch to LINUX. But it is
> very important to me to be able to use Japanese dBASE IV for DOS, in
> which we have built huge CJK dictionary processing libraries over the
> last ten years.

Moving on sort of a tangent, I wonder if there is a convertor that will
turn Dbase IV stuff into MySQL or Postgres stuff?  I'm sure they'd be
really happy with the performance if the whole group switched, or used
clients on their non-Linux machines to access a MySQL database running
on a Linux server? Something they might want to give serious thought to,
since there will come a time when the Dbase IV stuff is so obsolete that
there will be no way to convert it to anything without custom
programming (or maybe that day is already here?)

Jonathan Byrne                                   Engineering Division
Global Online Japan                    
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