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Re: tlug: Canna with Emacs 20.2 on RH 5.0?

>>>>> "mike" == mike fabian <> writes:

    mike> (describe-function 'select-input-method)
    mike> ==> Symbol's function definition is void: select-input-method

    mike> C-u C-\ gives me a prompt ``Input method:'' though.  But
    mike> this doesn't help much, as there seems to be no input method
    mike> available.


    mike> I tried this with GNU Emacs 20.3.1.

I dunno.  Something's wrong.  Worked for me under 20.2, but that was a
year ago and I don't remember if I downloaded LEIM separately; I know
I got the international font package separately.  AFAIK LEIM and Quail
are supposed to be packaged with GNU Emacs....  Nope and yup.  There's
quail.el in lisp/international/, but lisp/leim/ just contains a dummy

Maybe they changed the interface again?  Maybe you just need to
download the LEIM tarbaby?

    mike> Maybe I should try Xemacs?


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