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Re: tlug: Emacs these days

Peter Linsley <> wrote,

> Your message dated: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 17:45:14 +0900
> [snip]
> > Three `X'?  This looks like you got two zombies eating your
> > memory (and CPU).  If I assume, the one with PID 27439 is
> > the X server that you are actually using, then we have 35MB
> > memory for Emacs, X, and Netscape, which is bound to lead to
> > quite some swapping when you change between Netscape and
> > Emacs.  With two rogue X servers hanging around, the fact
> > that you can still work on the machine shows that Linux is
> > quite good at handling virtual memory.
> [snip]
> > You seem to use Emacs quite heavily, 16MB are usually enough 
> > for my XEmacs and I am living in that thing.  Anyhow, after
> > you got rid of the two rogue X, things will probably get
> > much better.
> I use three X servers quite often. That way I can use the 
> desktop of a machine running XDM in the noisy machine room 
> without having to go there, they can be switched between 
> with a key press.
> As for Emacs, on monitoring the virtual memory usage, it looks
> like the right thing to do is to go out and buy more memory.

Yes, if you want to run the three X servers, you should
definitely do that.

Next Nomikai: 14 January 1999, 19:30 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
*** it will will be Jan 14 (Thu), as Jan 15 (Fri) is a natl holiday
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