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Re: tlug: Sparc Linux

Frank Bennett wrote:
>Or is it reckless to run from Wide to Ultra-wide SCSI
> cable connectors?

It depends if you're talking to the IT department of a company or the 
hobbyist next door.  Typical use, I'd say you shouldn't have a problem.
(My system runs from a wide SCSI adapter to a narrow external box
passively, with no termination for the wide stuff.  Naughty, but it
well for me.)  Adapters theoretically make the line noisier, and
therefore more 
prone to problems.  You might want to make sure the connectors are clean 
& tight, and make sure there's no EM interference along the SCSI cable, 
but I'd say you're pretty safe.  Probably safe enough even for important
company use.
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