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tlug: gtk-config

>>>>> "jb" == Jonathan Byrne <> writes:

    jb> I'm trying to build an RPM from source, and it requires GTK
    jb> 1.1.2 or higher.  I currently have 1.1.9 and 1.0.5 installed
    jb> (both from RPM).

Do packages built against 1.1.9 work?  What is the output of

		   /sbin/ldconfig -p | fgrep -i gtk

    jb> What are the ramifications of making the suggested
    jb> modifications to GTK_CONFIG and LD_LIBRARY_PATH?

Modifying GTK_CONFIG should have no effect on already built packages,
only on new builds.  If the 1.1.9 .so shows up in the ldconfig list
above, or you know that packages built against 1.1.9 work, don't touch

LD_LIBRARY_PATH gets checked before the standard library path.  It's
important for the libc5 compatibility mechanism that the 1.0.5 .so be
in the path _before_ 1.1.9; apps needing >= 1.1.2 will reject the
so.1.0.5 and continuing searching.  If 1.1.9 comes first, libc5 apps
will try to use it and blooey.

right Chris?

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