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tlug: dvips, dvi2ps, Xdvi, and LyX

>>>>> "jb" == Jonathan Byrne <> writes:

    jb>  P is not a legal flag, followed by the usage information for
    jb> dvi2ps (I don't have dvips, so I symlinked it to dvi2ps; maybe
    jb> this is the problem there).

Yup, you're definitely going to get hosed that way.  Why don't you use
dvips?  dvi2ps should never have been written in the first place, and
now that reasonable patched versions of dvips are available (which is
what the authors of dvi2ps should have been doing with their spare CPU
cycles), it should go away.

If you must use dvi2ps for some reason, it is probably possible to
tell LyX not to use the -P flag (don't ask me how); you probably don't 
need it (it tells dvips which printer to use).

If worst comes to worst, you can put the follwing on your path named

dvi2ps `echo $* | sed -e 's/-P [^ ]* / /'`

and it might work....

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