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tlug: Tar to remote device

>>>>> "Frank" == Frank Bennett <> writes:

    Frank> We have a couple of DAT drives hooked up to servers here.

Been there, done that.  Know any cheap DAT drives while I'm here (mine 
is flaking out on me)?

    Frank> Um, maybe via ... rsh?

Yes, unfortunately.  Dunno if there are patches to use ssh, but that's 
not very hard I would imagine.

    Frank> o If it _is_ meant to be using rsh, does this mean that I
    Frank> need to open up root access to rshd on the host machine?

No.  Make a `tar' account or some such (I actually do this with my
personal user, but that's probably not a good idea if you want to be
able to let someone else manage the device some day), stick it in a
group of its own, let `tar' own the tape devices.  (I think you only
need the group to be tar, and give the tar group write permission.)
Put the hosts that need to backup in .rhosts for that user.  The user
doesn't even need to own its own home and .rhosts if you want to be
real paranoid, just be able to read them (via group permissions).

    Frank> o If so, I have two questions: (1) uh, how do I do that?,

    Frank> o and (2) is there a means of allowing root to rsh into the
    Frank> host only from a specific IP address?

Use IP addresses instead of domain names in ~tar/.rhosts if you're
worried about the name server (I suspect that's not what you meant,

tcpwrappers (hosts.deny, hosts.allow) works on the rshd for a
redundant layer of security.

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