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RE: tlug: down all week

OK, read it again. I didn't say the system was fragile, but that the grass
roots infrastructure that supports the Linux community, depending as it does
on mainly volunteer efforts by people in their spare time, tends to be

This doesn't matter to most users, because they accept that as part of the
bargain (philosophy). Imagine, though, what it means when somebody in a big
company is trying to convince his boss to go with Linux, and the boss finds
out that much of the support network is run by volunteers, who are in danger
of getting cut off by their ISP.  I'm not saying the quality of the support
is inferior, mind you, but this kind of incident may scare off people who
are used to more "conventional" OS support.

John De Hoog, Tokyo

 Jonathan Byrne wrote
> Say what?!  His ISP cut him off because of an unspecified
> disagreement of a
> non-financial nature and this demonstrates "fragility of the
> Linux grass roots
> [sic] infrastructure?!  So let me get this straight: if he had
> been  running
> some other system (and apparently you would prefer that this be a
> system with
> a poor self-support infrastructure, such that the users were more
> or less at
> the mercy of whatever the vendor did or failed to do), then his
> ISP would have
> seen the light and not cut him off, right?
> By the way, are you having any difficulty with the automatic cup holder on
> your computer?

No, but I'm having difficulty seeing why you have a problem with what I
wrote. Try not to see "troll" in everything that suggests weaknesses

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