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Re: tlug: Holy fast books batman...

Jonathan Byrne - 3Web wrote:

>I'm referring, of course, to the WinNT server admin book.. :)

Perhaps he was worried about running out of kerosene for his heater on a cold
Japanese winter's night and thought he could burn the NT book for warmth in an
emergency :-)

  Nah...  I fingure its going to take the 1700pages or so just to figure out how to get that dang WinNT/Diablo-Warlord icon off my control panel...

Actually its not that cold up here ...yet - I don't see my breath in the morning and no ice in the toilet so far...  It only gets down to about -12 to 14 at the coldest here in the city (not now, in the winter!) but the lack of insulation, single pane windows,  and free-air-flow  construction features <g> translate into a realistic Siberia-simulator.  In Banff 2-3week stretchs at -30 to -40 Celcius are not uncommon, and I've gone to work at -72 in GrandePrairie, Alberta  - but I never woke up in the middle of the night because my nose was frozen -  I still freeze my knackers off in the AM here in Jan, Feb...    which reminds me - I ran out of kerosene last night...


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