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tlug: December/January Meetings and talks (was Speaker fodder)

Steve Turnbull wrote:
> Steve Baur, the current lead maintainer of XEmacs, and Martin
> Buchholz, who was employed by Sun to help maintain XEmacs, especially
> the Mule aspects and is still deeply involved in XEmacs development
> after parting company with Sun, have been invited by ETL to visit
> here in Tsukuba, probably in January.  They have already expressed an
> interest in speaking to TLUG.

I think we should have this talk if possible at a meeting in January.
What I would propose is that we postpone the December meeting until 

> We're going to have the same problem with Eric Raymond in March, no?
> We're also getting far greater attendance than when the current
> meeting/nomikai split was set up.  So either higher frequency of
> meeting or inverting parity would seem to make sense.

It looks like inverted parity will work well.  Let's continue the meeting
schedule discussion on the tlug-admin list.


Joe Marchak ph:03-5203-3925 fx:03-5203-3699 ldist: s/03/813/

Next Nomikai: 20 November, 19:30 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
Next Meeting: 12 December, 12:30 Tokyo Station Yaesu central gate
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