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Re: tlug: Re: multi-processor linux configuration ?

"Andrew S. Howell" <> wrote,

> >>>>> "Darren" == Darren Cook <> writes:
>     Darren> One interesting thing I read - the more machines you have,
>     Darren> the more often you'll seem to have machine failures. So
>     Darren> make sure the machines are easy to replace, and that your
>     Darren> application can adapt to machines coming and going.
> I would just setup one master machine and then use rdist to keep them
> all in sync. Keeping all the file systems ( partions ) the same will
> make life a lot simpler. You should be able to do the install of a new
> machine over then local net. Once a very basic system is installed,
> rdist from the master machine and your set.

I'd use `rsync':

Saves a lot of network traffic in case you apply some
changes, ie., only the changes are transferred (like with

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