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tlug: wapuro space requirements [was: 'large' attachments]

Stephen J. Turnbull writes:

 > On second thought, it's _not_ OK.  I have one 1280x620 map in GIF
 > format, that's 17kB.  A fancy photo-quality image in 256-color JPEG
 > might be 483kB, if you're really gung-ho (I have a 1280x899x128 at
 > 272kb).  Where are the other 1.5MB going?  Not into text....

 > Hey, Applix/StarOffice/WPforLinux users:  do your programs bloat data
 > that way?

Hmm ... I was curious, so I took a quick look through my docs
directory ... couldn't find any Applix Words files over
200kB. Thinking back to when I used WordPerfect for Windows ... hmm,
the files I thought were big then were probably in the 100-300 kB
range. It must be an MS Word thing ... which shouldn't be a surprise if
you've ever seen the clots of frothing garbage spewed out by MS e-mail 

On the other hand, it could be the GIF. If the author has the usual
braindead image software and knows nothing about color reduction, etc
... a 1280x620 graphic could easily go to several hundred megs.

Matt Gushee
Oshamanbe, Hokkaido
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