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tlug: Re: August 8th Meeting

Hi Austin, good to hear you can come.

> I'm so sorry to bother you guys with such a simple question, and I 
> should have been reading my e-mail properly, but how do I get to where 
> the meeting is being held?  This is the first time I'm going to go, and 
> I'm not too good at following maps ;-).  Also yet another simple 
> question, what time should I be there?

Here's a re-cap.  If you come to YAESU CENTRAL EXIT at 12:30, in
front of the ticket wicket exit, we'll meet you there.



            T O K Y O  L I N U X  U S E R S  G R O U P

                        M E E T I N G

                 Open TLUG August 8 Meeting

               All Open Source Groups Welcome

All Linux users and supporters of open source code and free software 
are invited to attend the August 8th Tokyo Linux Users Group meeting.  
Membership is open to anyone.  There are no membership dues or entrance


TLUG is a non-profit, non-political organization established in June 
of 1994 to exchange information on the use of Linux and Free Software 
Foundation tools.  TLUG has an active mailing list, home page, and 
regular physical meetings.  Discussions are primarily held in English,
but non-English speakers are encouraged to come and participate.
We especially want to encourage Japanese people to attend and will make 
efforts to support a bilingual meeting.  

TLUG hosts technical meetings every even month on the 2nd Saturday, and 
nomikai's every odd month on the 3rd Friday.

The TLUG home page is available at

1998.08.08 MEETING:

Date:            Saturday, August 8, 1998
Helper's Start:  10:00
Meeting Time:    12:30
Gathering Place: Tokyo JR Station Yaesu Chuo exit in front of the ticket
                 wicket at 10:00 and 12:30.
Meeting Place:   HSBC Securities 10F
                 HSBC Building,
                 11-1, Nihonbashi 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0027
Lunch:           Pizza and beverages, or bring your own "bentou".  Our
                 TLUG Snackmaster Shigeo Honda will be taking Pizza orders
                 from 12:30.
Theme:           "Platform Independent Linux"


 o  Demonstrations of Linux running on multiple platforms:  In keeping
    with the theme this month, we have planned a variety of machines all
    networked together and running linux, including:
        PA-Risc    715; 735
        Sun Sparc  ELC, IPC, LX, 1+, 2, 20
        Dec Alpha  600MHz
        SGI        2 systems
        i386       386; 486; 586; 686
        amiga      3000
        mac        68K; PowerMac
        others?  bring your own project!

 o  Auction:  Your chance to bid on choice previously-owned computers and
        peripherals!   We have a lot of nifty machines, monitors, hubs,
        etc to auction off.  All proceeds go to TLUG.  

 o  Spam Contest:  Bring your *best* spam.  Bizarre, Bold, Bonkers ...
        your spam may win the prize!

 o  Debian CD burning:  Your chance to participate in making new Debian
        Hamm (2.0) CD's!  We will be selling these at the meeting.

 o  Treasurer's Report:  Our TLUG treasurer Tim Meggs will give a
        financial review.  Tim is keeping us on-track and in the black : ) 

 o  Vote: This meeting's vote will be on allocating funds to purchasing a
        CDRom burner.  We hope to produce distributions (like Debian Hamm)
        and also our own home-grown TLUG CD's.                 

 o  Library:  Our Book Master Jonathan Byrne will give us a run-down of 
        our growing library of books and CD's. All donations of media are 
        gratefully accepted! 

 o  Rumour has it that some of the machines will be running Quake near the
       end of the meeting : ) 

Mobile Contacts: If you need to get in touch with us, please call.
                 Jonathan Byrne....  050-517-9250 (PHS)
                 Shigeo Honda........050-002-7971 (PHS)
                 Alberto Tomita......050-644-3680 (PHS)
                 Joe Marchak.........010-269-8726 (keitai)
                                     035-203-3925 (office)

Most of the benefit of the meeting comes from informal discussions with 
other Linux users over lunch and during the demo's.  The goals of the 
meeting are to have fun and promote Open Source Code Software. 

We will be meeting at Tokyo station on Saturday August 8th in front of the 
Tokyo station Yaesu central ticket gate at 12:30.  There is more than one
Yaesu ticket gate, so be careful.  If you know you are going and don't
know what we look like, send us an email (
and We'll make sure we wait for you.  After everyone gathers, we'll walk
down to the meeting place at HSBC.  

If you miss us at Yaesu Central, go directly to HSBC and sign in at the
back door as "TLUG".  Please go directly to the 10th floor.

Facilities and Equipment Overview

At least the following standard hardware will be set up for use during
each meeting.  These machines can be used for installs and small 

    Sparc 2          
    Sparc 2          
    PPro 200         
    5xPentium 100's  
    Hubs, cables, SCSI CDRoms.  

We will try to do several installs during the meeting.  Feel free to 
bring your own machine or software.  People often bring their hard disks 
for an install.  If you are coming to the meeting, join the mailing list
by sending e-mail to including

  subscribe tlug

in the body of the message.  You can get a feeling for what the group is 
like by looking at the mail on the mailing list. 

Meeting Volunteers:

We will need at least 10 people to help out starting at 10:00 AM on the
day of the meeting to set up equipment and auction items.  If you have 
time, come and join us!   We will also need help at the end of the meeting
for cleaning up.  We also need volunteers for these specific jobs during
the meeting:
    1)  Auction Master:  Are you a born auctioneer?  It's not Christie's,
        but you too can hold the gavel.  Give us a hand!
    2)  Spam Master:  A good ear for bad spam is all that's required
        for this position!  

For any instructions or info:
    Joe Marchak
    ph:  03-5203-3925
    fx:  03-5203-3699

We look forward to seeing you there!

                    YAESU CENTRAL EXIT

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Next Meeting: 8 August, Tokyo Station Yaesu central gate 12:30
featuring Linux on multiple platforms:
i386, Sparc, PA-Risc, Amiga, SGI, Alpha, PalmPilot, ...
Next Nomikai: 18 September, 19:30 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
Sponsor: PHT, makers of TurboLinux

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