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Re: tlug: sendmail on TurboLinux

On Mon, 3 Aug 1998, Eric S. Standlee wrote:

> On Mon, 3 Aug 1998, Scott Stone wrote:
> > On Sat, 1 Aug 1998, Karl-Max Wagner wrote:
> > 
> > > > However I'm still fighting with sendmail setting on the same linux box.
> > > orget sendmail. Take qmail. Faster and MUCH easier to get along
> > > with.
> > 
> > I think there's some kind of copyright issue with qmail that prevents it
> > from being included with Linux distributions... I was thinking about
> > including qmail with TL 2.0, but I remember seeing something like that,
> > which is also why no other distributions seem to include it on their CDs..
> > 
> can I ask where the sources may be found for qmail?  I was told by Rex and
> Karl-Max to switch, but haven't been able to find them on any of my disks.
> Unlike some of you lucky full-salaried SysAds, I don't get the same amount
> of dough, so I have to keep my net time down; so I haven't checked on the
> net. Lazy? Stingy?
> On that same note, are there some good scripts out there to ppp-on; check
> the mail que, send mail; fetchmail; and ppp-off?  I am in the process of
> writing some bash scripts, but if it has already been done, please ease my
> pain.

yeah, and you just named them: 'ppp-on', 'sendmail', 'fetchmail',
'ppp-off' :)

fetchmail will get mail from pop2/pop3/imap servers (as will pine,
supposedly, but I've never done that... at least, pine will do imap).
sendmail is fine for sending outgoing mail (the speed issues with qmail vs
sendmail don't come into play unless you're running a mail server - PHT's
mail servers run sendmail and I've never noticed any speed problems, and
we get a fair bit of mail here).

Scott M. Stone <,>
Head of TurboLinux Development/Systems Administrator
Pacific HiTech, Inc (USA) / Pacific HiTech, KK (Japan)

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