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Re: tlug: Compressing files on Linux

On Tue, Jun 23, 1998 at 10:42:23PM -0400, Gavin Walker wrote:
> I don't have an Internet connection at home, only at work. I've
> downloaded a 2Mb RPM file, and want to compress/split it and take it
> home on a couple of floppies. Is there an easy way to do this?

There are lots of ways.  Some that I know about:

1. Use 'dsplit' (provided by util-linux if you are using RedHat).  It will
split a big file up into smaller pieces that you can concatenate back
together on the destination.

2. Use 'dd if=bigfile of=/dev/fd0 bs=1k count=1440 skip=xxxx' with
increasingly large multiples of 1440 for the skip size (i.e. 0, 1440,
2880...) This is the one I typically use since (a) it uses all of the floppy
for useful data and/or (b) don't need to "mount" the floppies and/or (c) it
is the only one whose command arguments I can remember.  Pick one or more.

3. If the source machine is running DOS/Win, you can use PKZIP's disk
spanning switch ('-&') to create a multidisk ZIP.  Take them to the Linux
machine, concatenate them together and use UNZIP on that amalgamation.  (It
will produce a lot of warnings, but seems to be able to do the right thing
when I've tried.)

Jim Tittsler, Tokyo     ICQ: 5981586   AIM: Jim7J1AJH

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