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Re: tlug: Re: Japanese input

-----Original Message-----
From: Karl-Max Wagner <>

>> done.  I read somewhere recently that there is even an
>> entire magazine published in romaji, by a group that
>> abolishing kanji.

>Interesting ! Please give me more info !

I wish I could, but unfortunately, that's all I remember:
that I read it somewhere.  I had no interest in it
(actually, I thought it was a completely stupid idea), so it
didn't stick with me.  If I run across it again anywhere,
I'll pass it on, though.

>Not sure. If there's already a group publishing a magazine
>romaji, there is some hope, though.

It's not very popular, though.  I've never seen it anywhere,
and I don't believe (nor wish) that kanji will ever be done
away with.  Even in China, they could only get as far as
simplified kanji because you can't disagree with the
government.  But even the Chinese government can't dictate
an elimination of kanji, as someone (I believe Matt Gushee)

>I come from CP/M and DOS. Linux uses basically the same
>with extensions for new things. If you just want the power

I come from a DOS background, too.  My first PC was a 286-12
with 1 meg, a 256K Paradise VGA card, a 2400 baud modem, and
a 40 meg disk drive at a time when that was considered a hot
machine.  It also had an Epson LQ-570, which was about the
best thing short of a laser printer then.  So I go back a
ways with this, but UNIX of any flavor is much tougher, and
we're doing harder things with it.

>was invented to eliminate the need for pictograms. And now
>M$ and sends us back into the Old Egyptian Realm ( at that

Actually, you have to blame Xerox for that if you don't like

While I do like icons, I also find that without text they're
not very useful, but combined with text they're nice.



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