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Re: Linux Port to limited environment (was: RE: tlug: FW: Windows 95)

> Someone would have to write a touch screen kernel driver for the console,
> though.  What use would it be, though?  You'd have to have custom apps
> that could understand the touch screen, maybe thru gpm, or something, and
> it'd still need to be mostly graphical and do handwriting recog...
> probably not a terribly useful environment for Linux to be used in.
Touch screens are a cute thing. A friend of mine did such an
extension for an NCR3125, which is a 386SX20 with a Wacom touch
screen. After getting the info about the touch screen by a
combination of reverse engineering of the DOS driver and some
hints from some helpful netizens, he hacked the pen support into
the kernel, into gpm and into X. With that machine you can
browse the net just by pointing with the pen on the links.
Everybody who saw that was impressed - and I like it too.

                           Karl-Max Wagner
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