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tlug: spam

Scott Stone writes:
 > Among the several unsolicited mail messages that i received today, two of
 > them actually claim not to be unsolicited mail messages, but that I
 > *requested* this information.

Pretty tacky, huh?

 > Is this a new trend?

Maybe so. I got one of those about a month ago. Fortunately it was
sent from a student's account at a US university, which cut the guy
off when I reported it.

 > Simple denial?  Send out spam, claim that it isn't
 > spam, hope that some idiots will actually believe you and say, "oh, this
 > guy is nice not sending me unsolicited email, maybe I should buy some
 > olives" ???

Didn't somebody once say something like "Never underestimate the
stupidity of the viewing public." ... or was it "voting public" ... or 
am I just imagining it? Maybe they're counting on spaced-out Web
junkies who can't really remember what sites they've visited or
why. Maybe they're right. Don't forget, there's a sucker born every

Co-disgustedly yours,

Matt Gushee
Oshamanbe, Hokkaido
Next TLUG Meeting: 13 June Sat, Tokyo Station Yaesu gate 12:30
Featuring Stone and Turnbull on .rpm and .deb packages
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