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tlug: LCD Deja-vu

> Vincent Janelle writes "I just found out about a Serial LCD
> stats software pack for Linux. This little product is
> essentially a serial LCD panel that someone has
> programmed software for Linux, and it generates stats based on
> the loadavg, mem readouts, uptime, and more. You can get it at
> (see below).. You cannot tell me that you do not want this."

I remember one of the early TLUG meetings where Jim Tittsler demonstrated
his hand-build version of an LCD CPU meter, along with his HAM satelite
tracking setup.  It was cool then (1995?) and it's still cool now : )
Jim, do you still have the unit working?  You could have made millions ;-)


Joe Marchak

Next Nomikai: 15 May Fri, 19:30 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 03-3275-3691
Next TLUG Meeting: 13 June Sat, Tokyo Station Yaesu gate 12:30
Featuring Stone and Turnbull on .rpm and .deb packages
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