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tlug: TL 1.9Beta-1

OK, the 1.9 Beta-1 CDs are burning now.  They'll ship tomorrow (sorry for
the delay).  

I did notice something strange on my test machine, though, but I have an

Test machine is on an IP masqueraded IP addr.  Routed starts up at boot
time.  The default route mysteriously dies about 2 minutes after boot.  I
found out that routed checks reachability through each route, and disables
the routes if it can't 'reach' things.  Well, IP masquerading doesn't seem
to forward that kind of info, so... down goes the defaultroute.

If any of you will be using the beta on an IP-masq machine, just make sure
to either uninstall routed after installation, or simply remove
/etc/rc.d/init.d/routed (or move it somewhere else).

The TurboLinux service manager in beta-1 doesn't handle routed, so you'll
have to do it yourself.  Beta-2's service manager will handle it.

PS - I was just told that I can't accept any more beta testers outside of
Japan for Beta-1 or Beta-2.  Karl, you're the only one from tlug who's not
in Japan who signed up, but I convinced Cliff to let me keep you on the
list, since I already accepted you before I knew that I was supposed to
keep it inside Japan :)

Scott M. Stone <,>
Linux Developer/Systems Administrator for Pacific HiTech, Inc.

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