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[Date Prev][Date Next][Thread Prev][Thread Next][Date Index][Thread Index]Re: tlug: Net Day
- To:
- Subject: Re: tlug: Net Day
- From: Kei Furuuchi <>
- Date: Sun, 22 Mar 1998 00:47:34 +0900
- Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------0143F10C2335834296B5FC7A"
- References: <> <>
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The attachment is the web of the teacher who had dispute over protection of privacy with the educational authority. He explains pretty well about status. He may help where to start regarding net day. If you are interested, please contact him. Regards, Kei.Title:
We regret not all of the linked pages have been translated into English yet.
>About This Cartoon
To have a look at our pieces of work, click above. >What "KARUTA" Is
>Regular Annual Events in Japan
At Kamakura [April 1997]To Our Friends
Hi ! Nice to meet you! We are 11 or 12 year-old pupils of an urban elementary school in Tokyo. This is not a school catalog but a virtual classroom where we express ourselves to communicate with friends like you.
Where are you from? How nice is your city or village? Are you happy at your school? What is your everyday life like? We'd like to know about you and your country, and make friends with you. We will tell you a lot about ourselves, and our country, Japan. By writing to each other, we believe we will be able to enrich our mutual understanding and make the world smaller and friendlier .
We have been ordered to close this homepage This homepage is a place where ordinary elementary school children express their opinions and display their literary and art works under the approval and with the support of their parents. The ward government and its education board, however, do not allow us to have a homepage like this one. They say that it is against the ward's ordinance issued to protect 'personal information of the individuals'! The ordinance prohibits connecting computers in any ward-run facilities to computers outside the ward..
For this reason, the teacher in charge of this class acquired a private account from a local Internet service provider and then opened this homepage, using nicknames of the students instead of their true names. He also replaced the name of the school with an assumed one. To the deepest disappointment of the teacher, the pupils and their parents, however, the ward and its education board ordered him to close this page, saying that the ordinance bans the ward and its officials, including teachers of the schools run by its board of education, from publishing any personal information which might lead to identification of the individuals involved.The teacher and the parents are still negotiating with the education board
We, the children, the teacher, and the parents alike, do hope to keep this homepage public. We have been receiving encouragement from all corners of the country since it was first webpublished. We have experienced the joy of expressing ourselves. We are not unmindful of diverse opinions on this matter. However, we still firmly believe that we are entitled to express ourselves, to speak of ourselves, to exchange ideas with people, using our own names. Other schools do this on their homepages, and we DO NOT UNDERSTAND why we are not allowed..
The children create their own pages by themselves with the PC's installed in school, and the teacher take the files home and load them onto the server of his IPS from home. We would welcome encouragement and/or advice from you.MENU
☆☆☆ Self-Introduction ☆☆☆
(In Charge of Teacher) ■■■ Class News ■■■
TheWorld KARUTA Exhibition on the Internet Opened
〜MGK Elementary School Participated〜
New Year Greeting from Alto in Poland
A report of Walsaw City from Alto's Mom
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Exchage Student K-yama came back from Australia
★★★ Debate ★★★
Participants Wanted
◎The subject of this month "Do Souls Exist?"
Waiting for you to participate on the debate
(In Charge of Tsutsupi and Oidon)
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◎ "In Quest of Space-Friends"▲▲▲ Comics ▲▲▲
Series "The Master's Bullies" No.2
Series "The Master's Bullies" No.1
(In Charge of Naminko,Kinoko and Milly) ◆◆◆ Stories ◆◆◆
"The story of Coron" Written by Kijiko Part1
"The story of Coron" Written by Kijiko Part2"The strange Cup" written by Tsutsupi,Kijiko and Isopi
"The Story of Animals' Village" written by KijikoOriginal Stories We Have Written
Waiting for your impression about them
Your original stories are to be put on
(In Charge of Isopi and Kijiko)☆☆ Friend Links(We Accept Applicants)☆☆
☆The 6th Grade Class 1,Shinooka Elementary School
☆Homepage of the Former Minister of Education
The minister will listen to our thinkings.
☆Homepage of Kogitsune
A 5th-grade schoolgirl writing nice stories, wanting relay-stories
☆Kuroiwa Elementary School
☆The Mathematics Plaza
Nekopapa teacher gives you questions from the entrance examinations of universities
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- References:
- Re: Re: tlug: Net Day
- From: Uc^ida Masatomo <>
- Re: tlug: Net Day
- From: Kei Furuuchi <>
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