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Re: tlug: Volunteer Needed: domain coordinator

On Wed, 25 Feb 1998, Scott Stone wrote:

> Well, is probably registered with JPNic, so we're probably
> members.  I'll ask Cliff and see if we can take care of it.

this is a very generous offer.  Thank you.

However, it is likely that PHT did not do the registration,
but relied on your ISP to register the PHT domain with JPNIC
on behalf of PHT.

So, I think that if PHT asked "tanomu" to your ISP,
they could probably do it for 10,000 yen/year.  TLUG can
then reimburse Pacific HiTech.

Remember, there are two seperate registration processes.
One is for the domain itself.  The other is for the name server.

TLUG can and should register the domain itself.  The ISP on
behalf of their customer, PHT, then has to submit the proper 
form for primary DNS registration.

  -- please look for confirmation on what I say... I'm just
     rattling on from my limited understanding and I could be

I'm looking forward to having a lot of fun with the server
after all this work we're doing.  Thank you for your work
so far.  :-)



Next TLUG Nomikai: 11 March Wed 1998 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 19:30
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