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Re: tlug: TurboLinux 1.2 USA released

On Wed, 18 Feb 1998, Scott Stone wrote:

> As far as NeoMagic chipsets - the answer I have been giving the people who
> have asked is, 'Buy Xi Graphics' X Server' :)


> I'm hoping that XFree86 3.3.2 or 4.0 will support the Neomagic thing...
> how about it, Chris?

Okay, here's the deal:

XFree86 will _not_ develop a driver for the NeoMagic without
documentation.  That means that we will not reverse-engineer Xi's server
... yadda, yadda, yadda.

_However_, if someone were to provide a developer with a NeoMagic BIOS
dump, 'twould be possible for said developer to document an API for the
NeoMagic chipset and turn the docs over to another developer who would
develop a driver from the information provided therein.

3.3.2 will _not_ support the NeoMagic in anything other than 640x480x4.
If some kind soul were to dump off a BIOS for me, I'd spend some time
seeing what gets poked where and turn over my observations to someone else
on the team.

--	Chris (

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