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Re: tlug: domain for tlug (Re: tlug-digest V1 #769)

On Wed, 18 Feb 1998, Masanori Smiley OMOTE wrote:

> > some money to get a TLUG domain up... provided that it isn't too much...
> JPNIC requires 20,000 yen for one *.jp domain at the registration.
> They don't need annual fee for that domain name.  The registered
> domain should be connected in one year from registration.

However, if the domain is routed, there is a 10,000 yen/year charge.
I think this is what it is.  I don't handle the actual forms, so
I'm guessing.  What we charge customers is 20,000 yen setup
and 20,000 yen a year and we become the primary DNS server
for the domain.  

This is more expensive than doing it independently.  However,
in order to register the host in the jpnic host register,
the entity doing the registration needs to be a member of
JPNIC.  I think this costs about 1,000,000 yen/year.  

So in summary, if TWICS does the registration as a standard
service, it is 20,000 yen startup and 20,000 yen/year.  TWICS
will announce the routes with this.  However, it does not
come with any hosting.  This is just for the domain.  Also,
at this price, we make a small profit. 

There are probably cheaper ways to do it.  Feel free to post
other pricing.  I can't justify donating this to TLUG because
we charge other non-profit groups for this same service.  
Some of them are almost exactly like TLUG in their mission.

> Probably we can easily get a domain name.  It might be very hard to
> find who can host that domain. :p

I think you mean, host the server?  If so, I think we are going to
try and do a drop in PHT, distributors of Turbo Linux.  John Little
has agreed to donate the hardware. 



Next TLUG Nomikai: 11 March Wed 1998 Tengu TokyoEkiMae 19:30
Chuo-ku, Kyobashi 1-1-6, EchiZenYa Bld. B1/B2 03-3275-3691
Next TLUG Meeting: 11 April 1998 Saturday, Tokyo Station
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