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tlug: Katakana to Romanji conversion

>>>>> "Dmytro" == Dmytro Kovalev <> writes:

    Dmytro> I need some tool for conversion from Japanese personal
    Dmytro> names written in katakana into a romanji. Does anybody
    Dmytro> know about such tool available? Any platform should be OK

Load the following into your friendly neighborhood Mule.  Note that it
will blow up on punctuation, kanji, hiragana, whitespace, and
everything else that isn't in that alist.  Including half-width
katakana.  So make sure there's nothing but katakana in the region,
then do M-X katakana-to-romaji.  It does fail-safe, though.  I think :^)


(defconst kana-romaji-alist
      '((?ア . "a")
	(?イ . "i")
	(?ウ . "u")
	(?エ . "e")
	(?オ . "o")
	(?カ . "ka")
	(?キ . "ki")
	(?ク . "ku")
	(?ケ . "ke")
	(?コ . "ko")
	(?ガ . "ga")
	(?ギ . "gi")
	(?グ . "gu")
	(?ゲ . "ge")
	(?ゴ . "go")
	(?サ . "sa")
	(?シ . "si")
	(?ス . "su")
	(?セ . "se")
	(?ソ . "so")
	(?ザ . "za")
	(?ジ . "ji")
	(?ズ . "zu")
	(?ゼ . "ze")
	(?ゾ . "zo")
	(?タ . "ta")
	(?チ . "chi")
	(?ツ . "tsu")
	(?ッ . "xtu")
	(?テ . "te")
	(?ト . "to")
	(?ダ . "da")
	(?ヂ . "ji")
	(?ヅ . "dzu")
	(?デ . "de")
	(?ド . "do")
	(?ナ . "na")
	(?ニ . "ni")
	(?ヌ . "nu")
	(?ネ . "ne")
	(?ノ . "no")
	(?ハ . "ha")
	(?ヒ . "hi")
	(?フ . "fu")
	(?ヘ . "he")
	(?ホ . "ho")
	(?バ . "ba")
	(?ビ . "bi")
	(?ブ . "bu")
	(?ベ . "be")
	(?ボ . "bo")
	(?パ . "pa")
	(?ピ . "pi")
	(?プ . "pu")
	(?ペ . "pe")
	(?ポ . "po")
	(?マ . "ma")
	(?ミ . "mi")
	(?ム . "mu")
	(?メ . "me")
	(?モ . "mo")
	(?ヤ . "ya")
	(?ユ . "yu")
	(?ヨ . "yo")
	(?ャ . "xya")
	(?ュ . "xyu")
	(?ョ . "xyo")
	(?ラ . "ra")
	(?リ . "ri")
	(?ル . "ru")
	(?レ . "re")
	(?ロ . "ro")
	(?ワ . "wa")
	(?ン . "n")))

(defun katakana-to-romaji (start end)
  "Translate from katakana to romaji between buffer positions START and END.

When called interactively, uses the current region.  Error handling is poor."
  (interactive "r")
      (narrow-to-region start end)
      (goto-char (point-min))
	(while (< (point) (point-max))
	  (let ((romaji (cdr (assoc (following-char) kana-romaji-alist))))
	    (if (not romaji)
		(error "That ain't no steenkin' katakana!")
	      (delete-char 1)
	      (insert romaji)))))
	(while (search-forward "xtu" nil t)
	  (delete-char -3)
	  (insert (following-char))))
	(while (search-forward "ixy" nil t)
	  (forward-char -1)
	  (delete-char -2)))
	(while (search-forward "ty" nil t)
	  (delete-char -2)
          (insert "ch"))
	(while (search-forward "sy" nil t)
	  (delete-char -2)
          (insert "sh"))
	(while (search-forward "si" nil t)
	  (forward-char -1)
	  (insert ?h))))))

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