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RE: tlug: X Windows client

>>>>> "Michael" == Michael Chiu <> writes:

    >> Most vendors I know of now make Linux versions of their
    >> software (although I had to spend a few days of email
    >> conversation to get the install program for the aforementioned
    >> package to work; they usually don't do very much checking to
    >> make sure it actually _works_ on Linux once they get it to
    >> compile :-( ).  But they're not going to mention that in their
    >> TV spots---that would chase away the lu$er$.

    Michael> hmmm.. can u send me a list?  I would be interested in
    Michael> tyring out some software...

Probably not (: TSP, S-plus, Mathematica, Maple, GAMS, SAS, maybe
SPSS, GAUSS.  Mathematical manipulation or statistical analysis
packages, all of them.  I said the vendors I know :-) I don't have
much call to talk to OA makers (word processors and spreadsheets don't
cut it in my applications) or even database or CAD types.

Note that even in these applications they push the Windows and or Mac
versions in the professional (econ) journals :-(  Mentioning Linux or
Unix would scare some unsophisticated users away.
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