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Re: tlug: palmtop PHS (Toshiba GENIO)

On Sun, 7 Dec 1997, Craig Oda wrote:

> input system.  If you have never used a PDA, you really
> should use the input regularly at the demo center.

Good point.  I'll be sure to get the hang of writing before
buying.  I need to practice writing kanji--the kana input
systems make it too easy for me.

> with edict.el after dinner.  I'm very interested in getting
> a new PDA this month, so please feel free to share information
> with me.  

I sure will.  Please do too.

> This is off-topic but I did notice that Javasoft released
> an IMAP package for Java.  I have not tried it out yet,
> but there may be PDAs coming out in the future with
> embedded Java interfaces.  (pure speculation).  

I bet there will be, and they'll be great.  However, it'll
only be cost-effective with a Java-chip, and Sun is doing the
only real one that I know of, and it's not due out now until
2nd half of '98.  So no cool Java PDAs until '99, I think.

J. David Beutel       "You're inhabited by the society you live in through
11011011  your use of language." McCorduck on Turkle on Lacan

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