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Re: tlug: palmtop PHS (was PalmPilot)

On Wed, Dec 03, 1997 at 10:23:17AM +0900, Tim Meggs wrote:
> > telnet and terminal emulation from my pilot, but was frustrated by both the
> > screen size (when so many things expect to have at least 80x25, they can
> > seem rather wasteful of display real estate on a Pilot) and no keyboard
>                                                               ^^^^^^^^^^^
> FYI One of the guys downstairs got a Newton keyboard for his Pilot about six
> months ago, seemed to work fine ....... but he is actually thinking of moving
> completely to the Newton at present.

A smaller alternative too the Newton keyboard is the Twiddler, one of the
one-handed chord keyboards.  Since it uses a serial connection to its host,
it is also easy to connect.

twiddler for pilot:

Jim Tittsler, Tokyo

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