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tlug: PPP thanks

Thanks to everyone on the list for your help...

after reading through the answers, this is what I can say:

1) I have checked the AT&T US site which was mentioned before, but
apparently they are using CHAP over there, and this threw me off at first,
and why I couldn't even get a connect originally

2) I have pinged numerically and by name, both outside of the network, and
to my IP address, and none of these have worked.

3) My etc/resolv.conf has the name of my domain and nameserver of my ISP...
one question though... does anyone know if I should use ""
or ""?

4) I will try these suggestions once again tonight when I get home... what I
am trying to do eventually is to get IP Masquerading and DialD setup on my
home LAN, so hopefully, someone might be able to help when that time
comes... but for now, I just want to get my PPP up and running...

Thanks for all your help!!!!  You guys are great!!!


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