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Re: tlug: Canna and Pine3.96LJ

On Sun, 23 Nov 1997, Craig Oda wrote:

> In the same readme, the author has this:
> 3.  $BF|K\8l$NF~NO(B
>      Pine/Pico  $B$GF|K\8l$rF~NO$9$kJ}K!$O!"$$$/$D$+$"$j$^$9!#(B
> Pine/Pico $BK\BN$XAH$_9~$^$l$F$$$k$N$O:#$N$H$3$m(BCanna$B$@$1$G(B $B$9(B
> $B$,!"$=$NB>$NF|K\8lF~NO%7%9%F%`$bMxMQ$G$-$^$9!#;HMQ$9$k%7%9%F(B
> $B%`$K1~$8$F(B ~/.pinerc $B$N(B kanji-input-code $B$$7$F$*;H$$(B $B$/(B
> $B$@$5$$!#(B
> So, does he mean that this compilation only supports Canna,
> but you can support other input systems by merely changing
> the ~/.pinerc???  I think I'm misunderstanding what he means
> by  $B$=$NB>$NF|K\8lF~NO%7%9%F%`$bMxMQ$G$-$^$9!#(B  Also, the
> kanji-input-code variable seems to refer to the encoding
> method such as EUC, or ShiftJIS and I don't think there is
> any connection to the input method.  ??   

I think you are right about what kanji-input-code means, but what
I think he is saying is that if you use another input method, 
you should set the appropriate kanji code for that input method.
This fits into what he is saying below...

> 3.1.  $BAH$_9~$_$N(BCanna$B@)8f5!9=$r;HMQ$9$k(B
>      Canna  $B$r(B $BD>(B $ $B@)(B $B8f(B $B$9(B $B$k$?$a$K$O!"(B-DCANNA $B$rDj5A$7$F(B
> Pine/Pico $B$r%3%s%Q%$%k$9$kI,MW$,$"$j$^$9!#$+$s$JHG$G$O!"(B^@$B%-(B
> $B!<$,$+$s$J$N(BON/OFF$B$K3d$jEv$F$i$l$F$$$^$9!#$^$?!"(BCanna $B$O(B EUC
> $B%3!<%I$rJV$9$N$G!"(Bkanji-input-code $B$O(B EUC $B$$7$F$/(B $B$@(B $B$5(B
> $B$$!#(B

Here is says Canna returns EUC, so you should set kanji-input-code
to EUC.  Following this reasoning, say another Japanese input method
returned another coding, you should set the appropriate coding
in kanji-input-code.

> Or perhaps this means that if I was using Canna, the input
> code would be EUC, whereas if I used Emacs as my default
> editor, it would send JIS to Pine, so if I use Canna, I 
> need to specify my default kanji-input-code as EUC and if
> I use another input method, I might have a different
> kanji-input-code? 

Yes, I think that is what he means. 


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