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tlug: Meeting materials plus Linux Quake

dave> That being said, I have a little bit to contribute, if anyone wants
dave> it.  It's a little dated, but not that far. The 6-CD InfoMagic set,
dave> which has RH 4.0, Debian 1.2, Slackware 96, Sunsite files, Metro-X
dave> and some other stuff packed in. Also I have a 3-pack on one CD,
dave> including RH 4.1, Debian 1.2.8 and Slackware 3.1. The single CD
dave> doesn't have the contrib or non-free directories, though, just the
dave> main distributions.

If you don't have any immediate takers, I can put them in with the
TLUG library stuff under your name.  

I just received a package of CD's and a book from Alan Stone:
    Linux Slackware '96
    UNIX User CD     #45
    Linux Unleashed  CD plus Book   

    Thanks Alan!

Donations to the library are happily accepted.  Also, if people
would like to put items on temporary loan, please write your
name on the items and we'll keep a sign-out book.  

There were a few Linuxers at last night's meeting who were
interested in having a "Linux Quake" night.   One possibility
would be for people to bring their own boxes to a meeting 
site which has monitors available, and we could do installs 
and set up a LAN.  Comments?


Joe Marchak

TLUG Meeting Dec. 13, 12:30 at Tokyo station Yaesu Chuo ticket gate
13:30 Starbuck's coffee.  13:45 HSBC | info:
At least 3 functional Sparc IPC machines will be raffled out
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