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Re: tlug: Admin: TLUG Bank Account Number

>>>>> "Craig" == Craig Oda <> writes:

    Craig> On Thu, 30 Oct 1997, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:

    >> My experience suggests that _all_ of the information above is
    >> required.  Is the name on the account in romaji or katakana?
    >> There may be a slot for a phone number for TLUG, but I don't
    >> think that's required.

    Craig> The name on the front of the ,ADLD"(B is Tokyo Linux Users
    Craig> Group.  The name printed in the book is
    Craig> ,A%H%&%-%h%&%j%J%D%/%9%&!<%6!<%0%k!<%W(B

    Craig> I'm using Pine, so not sure if my Japanese encoding came
    Craig> out properly.  

Nope; mojibake, and should be.  Coding system conflicts with
Content-type header.

    Craig> Do you know how I can fix the problem?

Either tell Pine you're defaulting to 8-bit EUC (maybe
"charset=ISO-2022-8" or "charset=x-euc-jp" will do, although the
latter is non-standard) in Pine's setup menu (look for something set
to `iso-2022-jp'), or preferably, get your IM to produce ISO-2022-JP.

Of course, you could change your MUA to something a little smarter,
either JPine (never saw it, but it must exist, ne) or preferably
something Mule-based.  (Of course, AFAIK none of the Mule MUAs know
about IMAP yet; it's up to you....)

However, Pine is hosed in this respect; if you set that default,
everything Pine sends out will have that charset attached to it.  I
doubt JPine or JElm are any smarter about getting multilingual stuff
right, they just make sure that everything goes out in ISO-2022-JP.
Next TLUG meeting is Saturday Dec. 13, 1997  (possibly Nov. 13?)
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