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Re: tlug: forwarded message from Hajime Saitou

tlug note from "Stephen J. Turnbull" <>
>>>>> "Hajime" == Hajime Saitou <> writes:

    Hajime> I'd be grateful for any input concerning this as I seem to
    Hajime> be the only one suffering from it. Although I'm rather
    Hajime> suspicious about the debian gcc- package.
    >> That must be hamm, right?  Hey, you asked for it, you got it.
    >> If you're running hamm on anywhere near a useful system, you're
    >> probably still using libc5 for a lot of stuff....

    Hajime> Actually its glibc-2.0.5c based. The only trouble I've had

hamm is, yes, but when did X start running with libc6?  when I
checked, oh, about 2 months ago, you needed the libc5-compatiblity
package for many many programs still, in particular X.  If you've got
both libc5 and libc6 in your environment, you're going to run into
problems like that (getting the wrong compiler called unless you set
an environment variable, etc).

    Hajime> so far is this and the unexpected XEmacs-beta problem. No
    Hajime> crashing, yet. I've recompiled most things with pgcc for
    Hajime> speed. (This is a P5-90 machine)

pgcc is buggy as hell, still.  XEmacs will _not_ compile, let alone
work, under pgcc, according to xemacs-beta traffic.  I would not trust
a system where any of the libraries are compiled with pgcc.

    Hajime> The most unexpected thing was that I also have XEmacs
    Hajime> problem on a debian bo system except for ldso-1.9? and
    Hajime> just the libraries of glibc-2.0.5c. I'm checking which
    Hajime> packages are installed but...

This is _not_ unexpected, IMHO.  You're doing bleeding edge stuff.
You're not doing very much bleeding that I can see; count your
blessings, man.

I don't consider it glibc's fault, it's H. Lu's fault for keeping
linux in the dark ages of hand-patched voodoo system libs for so long, 
but the fact is that most linux system software is comfortable with
Lu-sy libc, and some of it depends on it.

Anyway, I'm out of my depth; I have not been able to get a hamm-based
system running.  I wish you luck, but I don't think the problems
you're experiencing are "unexpected."

You will be a very good systems hacker when you get done with this :-)
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