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tlug: SCSI CDROM testing

tlug note from joem <>


> tlug note from David J Iannucci <>
> I've got this old, more or less generic(?) external SCSI
> CD-ROM drive that I don't have the means just now to test
> to see if it really works (it's one of the many issues standing
> in the way of my finally being able to bring up a Linux system
> on mostly cheap used or discarded equipment :^(
> Anyway, I wonder if there'll be some way for me to test it
> at the meeting.  I assume that one of the Linux machines there
> will have a SCSI interface that I could simply connect it to,
> and check it out?  I have cables for both of the smallish,
> narrow styles of SCSI connector, so hopefully that wouldn't be
> a problem.

No problem ... bring it to the meeting and we can test it out.


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