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Re: tutor wanted

> Here is what I am planning to do at some stage in the future:
> 1) Set up NIS and NFS (using Linux and Sun)
> 2) Reconfigure the kernel, (and figure out how to add pathes)
> 3) Set up CNEWS (via to work with Pine)

> My computer room has the following machines:
> 386/4megs... running Linux and uucp
> 486/16megs...running W95+linux on one of the HD partitions
> MacLC630...
> Sun Sparc10 (recent addition)
> All connected by 10baseT

IMO, you might get more benefit by hosting a small TLUG at your
apartment some weekend.  I imagine that between 4-8 people would
turn up.  You could put a cap on the maximum amount of members.
TLUGers could eat lunch at some restaurant close to your apartment
then walk over to your place.  You could have the meeting on
Linux - Sun - Mac interconnectivity.  Just an idea.  BTW, I've
never set up NIS before.

On a different note, has anyone been able to print web pages
on Linux in Japanese with graphics in it?  I can print the Japanese
text of the web page fine.   However, when I try to save the
entire file as PostScript from within Netscape I get mojibake.
I suspect that Netscape 3.0 is not interpretted the Japanese
encoding method properly.  I vaguely remember doing this with
Mosaic a while ago.  However, I can't get Mosaic to run anymore
because I don't have the old lib required.  

Oh yea, I updated the TLUG archive to include December '96 and
January '97.  If the Internet access between the TLUG site and
your workstation is too slow, you might consider getting the
archives by e-mail.  Send the command 

to if you want to get a listing of
available majordomo commands.  
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