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Netscape Japanese Input Success

      *** Input Works Only With Cut and Paste ***

Explains Japanese input under Netscape.  I followed 
the example and it worked.  I have included screen captures
and a link to the page on

The page at is entirely in Japanese.  I'll give an
English explanation when I get some free time.

I can now do the following under Linux with English Linux Netscape 3.0:

   o  display Japanese in buttons and other form elements
   o  display Japanese titles in my bookmark file
   o  display Japanese in that little "go" menu item[ netscape]
   o  input Japanese via cut and paste into Netscape

I've modified my script to load the libs as follows:
$ more 
export LANG=ja_JP.eucJP
export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/local/netscape/"
exec /usr/local/bin/netscape

I call the to run netscape.  Source for liblocale is 
found on the web page at

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