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Re: kterm 6.20?

On Mon, 21 Oct 1996, C. Oda wrote:

> I'm using the 6.1.0 that came in the 0.9.7z JE distribution.  
> Where did you get the 6.2 version?  You always seem to have
> the new goodies, like your gs is much newer than mine.  Hmm,
> trend setter Turnbull, designer Linux by Turnbull?
> Seriously, I would like to upgrade though.

kterm 6.2.0 is available at "".  Its been out since mid-July.

I'm looking for a fast, Japanese character displayable newsreader that
works well over a modem connection (33.6k), any suggestions?  I'll also be
using the newserver provided by my ISP.

Shige Abe

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