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Re: PPP setup

>>>>> "Jim" == Jim Schweizer <> writes:

    Jim> I know this is a clueless question, but if I ditch 1.3.18 do
    Jim> I have to go back and redo everything it took to get X
    Jim> Windows up and running?

No, kernels are basically plug-compatible with most "user process"
software.  "User process" software is a little bit confusing, since a
lot of it is system software, but basically it's anything that can use
functions in sections 2 and 3 of the manual to do its work.  (That's
why there is a section 2 of the manual: so that you don't have to
change your software to work with every new kernel.  No 'setver'!)

    Jim> MANPATH appears to be set but "man /usr/man/man1/ls.1"
    Jim> returns:
    Jim> No manual entry for /usr/man/man1/ls.1

I should tried those before telling you to try them; 'ls' of course
has a preformatted man page so what should work is
		"man /usr/man/preformat/cat1/ls.1.gz"
		     "man -M /usr/man/preformat".

Those are the standard Slackware places.  "find /usr/man -name 'ls*'"
to make sure (the single quotes are necessary or the shell will glob
"ls*" in the current directory).

Part of your MANPATH from a previous mail read

    Jim> export MANPATH=/usr/local/man:/user/man/preformat
If that is a typo in /etc/profile, and not in your mail, I think that
should fix it.

    Jim> I didn't say I don't want to, I said I don't know how
    Jim> to.

Try it.  It will take about one hour of your time, and anywhere from
one hour to two hours of build time, I would guess.  You can run it in
the background or (my usual preference) on a separate virtual terminal
(eg an xterm) with "make | tee make.log" so that you can keep a record
to refer to later.  I think that "make | tee make.log 2>&1" will
capture the stderr messages too.

That "one hour of your time" is a conservative estimate based on 15
minutes to find, print out, and skim your /usr/src/linux/.config, and
40 minutes to read /usr/src/linux/README and go through the
configuration process the first time.  5 minutes for typing "make" ;-)

    Jim> Jeeesss, I finally found a kernal that mounts the CDROM right
    Jim> and now I have to go and change it...Life's not fair.

I saw in a later msg you got PPP going ... howdjadoit?  Do you still
have a CDROM?  ;-)

                           Stephen John Turnbull
University of Tsukuba                                        Yaseppochi-Gumi
Institute of Socio-Economic Planning
Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba, 305 JAPAN       

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