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Re: Adaptec's mailer

    Date: Fri, 15 Mar 1996 21:46:48 +0000
>>>>> "Antonio J. Barros" <> wrote
   Jim Tittsler wrote:
   > In article <>,
   > >First, Pine doesn't seem to have a problem with Ted's mail.  I'm using
   > >Pine to reply to this mail of his.  (Painful, too, ESC-b doesn't work at
   > >all. :-)
   > Ah.  Must be another configuration problem with Shrine's mailer.

Maybe not.  I thought you were referring to the embedded blank line
before the Adaptec garbage headers.  If there is an extra blank line
before or after the "From $aPddress $timestamp" line, then it may just
be that RMail is more robust.  The way I checked the mail was to read
it into Mule RMail, then write it out as a Unix file.

I do use Smail, not Sendmail, which may make a difference.

   This problem happens with other mail readers as well.  When, 
   after installing Linux I started using pine I thought that the 
   blank headers were due to some configuration error.  However,  
   the mail from Ted has exactely the same problem when I read the 
   mail with pine (from Linux) or Netscape 2.0 (from Windows NT).

The number of mailers that can't parse Ted's headers suggests that
Adaptec's mailer is not RFC conformant, although I don't trust either
Pine or Netscape to implement the RFCs correctly.

What you need to do is look at the raw mail box (/var/spool/mail/$user) 
and see what is happening between the previous message and Ted's
message.  I'll try to remember to do that myself for the next few


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