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re: geo_comp_addr

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Header: Adaptec
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  Write to my friend Kevin Martinez (, he works at Quantum and 
uses Linux, he might have a debug script if you boot from a dos floppy.

Of course we have tons of scsi adapters.  When one doesn't work, rather than 
find out what jumper or dip switch may be set wrong, I just grab another one 
and plug it in...

Come by sometime our office in Akasaka sometime and meet my boss, and maybe 
we can trade host adapters for faster net access ;)


Original text: (44 lines follow)
>From, on 3/15/96 4:57 PM:

I can now use the CDROM.  I've run e2fsck on the filesystem and my
hard disk is still fried.

I keep getting this error from lilo:

geo_comp_addr: Cylinder number is too big (1026 > 1023)

I have this in the lilo docs:

   geo_comp_addr: Cylinder number is too big (<number> > 1023)    
     Blocks of a file are located beyond the 1024th cylinder of a hard 
    disk. LILO can't access such files, because the BIOS limits cylinder 
    numbers to the range 0...1023. Try moving the file to a different 
    place, preferably a partition that is entirely within the first 1024 
    cylinders of the disk. 

Okay, so it looks like I have some stray files, how do I delete the

I am really hoping that I do not have to reformat my disk.  I would
be pretty sad...  :-(     Yes Ted, no SCSI means no access to the
tape drive...   :-(   Hey, any excess stock???  I have PCI and I'll
test some Adaptec SCSI cards for a long period at no charge!

Anyway, back to my poor hard disk, how do I move the file?


Craig Oda
TWICS - Japan's First Public-Access Internet System, 
over a decade of fostering virtual communities in Japan. 
   TWICS - IEC Building, 1-21 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160 JAPAN
   Phone: 03-3351-5977	Fax: +81-3-3353-6096

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