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re: Compatibility

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Last Cartridge I bought cost about Y 2500 at Sakura ya.

I have never printed from Linux.  I don't know that Linux supports printing. 
 I have never seen a graphic environment on Linux.  I belive it needs mega 
ram, and I have only 16MB on my home machine where I run Linux.


Original text: (24 lines follow)
>From, on 3/4/96 1:33 AM:

> I have a BJC200e and I can't really recommend them.  They work for about 
> pages, then need a new Y2500 cartridge.  I do have some 3rd party 
> from the US, but even these are expensive.
> If you want to buy mine cheap, let me know.

Only 100 pages? I thought it could print more. How much does your 
cartride cost? One of the employees from the computer store told me that the 

new cartridge cost $23 + (9% sales tax).

Do Canon bubble/inkjet printers work ok under Linux? Also, if there is a 
site where I can check some compatibility issues under Linux, please let 
me know.



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