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Power Mac Port and Mach 3.0 kernel

I'm pretty impressed that the Power Mac port of Linux is using the
Mach 3.0 kernel.  I would love to see Linux ported to other Power PC
architectures.  My wife uses a Motorola PowerStack at work (running
NT zannen) and she claims that it gives really good performance.
Since the source code will be publically available, a port to the
PowerStack should happen in the near future.  

I've really found the Macs lacking in many areas and avoid them whenever
possible, but an Apple sponsored Linux port makes me think that there
is some hope for Apple after all.  Perhaps they are remembering
their grassroots beginnings???

For all the flack I give the Mac, I have to admit that the way the
toolbox forces programmers to conform to certain menu conventions
gives the Mac a more unified feel across applications.  


Craig Oda
TWICS - Japan's First Public-Access Internet System, 
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