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TLUG Home Page Updates

I have included the September meeting information on the
TLUG home page.  I have also made a link to the Cyber
Technologies web site in the "Thanks" section as a
form of corporate promotion.  Hopefully, we can get
some additional sponsors in the future.  CTI has
donated space for the TLUG meetings for a long time.

If this gets to be a problem for Nori, we can probably
hold the meetings at TWICS.  One problem with
this is that the building is usually closed on Sunday
which might force a move to a Saturday. 

Remember, EVERYONE is WELCOME to come to this TLUG meetings.


The other thing, how do I read in the /etc/exports
file after I alter the contents?  I have been restarting
the machine after each edit.  There must be a Linux
equivalent to the 'exportfs' command.  


     Craig Oda      12 40 82 A8 DF DD DD 30  BB 0E 26 22 E0 D8 F2 87           Public Key: finger 
         TWICS - Japan's First Public-Access Internet System
                fax: 81-3353-6096
     Twics / IEC Building / 1-21 Yotsuya, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160 Japan

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