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Re: [tlug] e-Tax and the timid gaijin

On Fri, Mar 14, 2025 at 12:06 AM Stephen J. Turnbull
<> wrote:
>  > I have not seen any OpenSource anything in  any of the High Schools
>  > I taught at either...
>  >   unless I installed the Workstation myself ans gave the students a
>  > login to experiment with it.
> Tsukuba is different, our kids get to play with robotics from
> Cyberdyne, and the UT labs all dual-boot Linux though few students use
> that capability.

I'm sad to say, but I'm not sure how long this is going to last. At
least in the CS department, 2/3 of the dual boot labs were replaced
with "BYOD" style labs with just monitors desks (and it was an uphill
battle to make sure that we at least had a couple of dual-boot laptops
for students to borrow if they didn't have a device for any reason).
There is a very strong pressure to do less and less "in-house" for
reasons of "cutting costs and reducing burden".

> Guys, we're gonna have to change the world ourselves.



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